I should like to share an experience I had while in high school that proved to me, without a doubt, the healing power of Christian Science.
One evening at school, I was taken ill with pain in my side and I felt very sick and miserable. On reaching home I became fearful that the trouble was appendicitis and later in the evening it seemed necessary to call a practitioner in the nearest town, about twenty-eight miles away. I could neither eat nor drink anything without severe pain, which seemed almost more than I could stand. I was in bed for several days, and during this time the hymns in our Christian Science Hymnal were a constant comfort and joy to me. I am certain that had a doctor seen my condition he would have ordered an operation, but the only operation I had was the operation of Truth.
During this time I lost much weight because of not eating or drinking, but I was sustained by the power of Truth and Love. After several days, it seemed evident that the appendix had broken, but even this condition was met and handled by the faithful work of the practitioner and the loving help of my mother. As soon as this had taken place I began to eat anything that was set before me and gained back lost weight quickly. When I first got up and tried to walk, it was very difficult for me to stand erect, as my side felt as if an incision was healing. The practitioner was told of this and within a day or two the side was normal.