"He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings." This brief passage from the fortieth Psalm epitomizes in its simplicity my own experience. The "horrible pit" and "the miry clay" were loneliness, ill-health, debt, and an unhappy home. The "rock" was Christian Science, "my goings" the transformation of a life regenerated. So marked was the change in my affairs from the moment I began the study of Christian Science that it seems unavoidable to refer to my experience as two distinct periods, before and after.
Fourteen years ago a friend lent me a copy of Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy and recommended that I have Christian Science treatment instead of submitting to an operation. But I was prejudiced against Mrs. Eddy and what I thought Christian Science to be, and after reading the chapter on Prayer I returned the book and had the operation.
Two years later Dr. Lyman P. Powell's book, "Mary Baker Eddy: A Life-Size Portrait," opened the door of Christian Science to me. My prejudice was completely overcome, and in its place is a deep reverence for this courageous woman who discovered Christian Science and founded the Christian Science movement.