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From the December 1945 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Those who have felt the healing touch of the Christ can never doubt that God is Love, nor can they question the power of the Christ to redeem mankind from the thralldom of mortality, the belief of an existence apart from God, immortal Life. Had it not been for the Christly compassion and spiritual understanding which he expressed towards the multitudes who came to him for healing, the Master could not have delivered them from their infirmities, for words alone are powerless to heal. He saw man not as mortal sense depicted him, but as his God-enlightened understanding revealed him, the likeness of Spirit, Love. Christ Jesus recognized God as Love, and saw that no claim of material power, influence, or condition could deprive man of his divine birthright of health, harmony, and spiritual freedom. He acknowledged God as the only creator of man, and His government as supreme.

It is recorded in the Gospels that Christ Jesus at times passed the whole night in prayer. Such devotion brought to him an ever clearer discernment of his divine mission as humanity's Redeemer. He knew the purpose of the Father who had sent him, and prayed with full heart and sublime trust on the eve of his crucifixion, "That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me" (John 17:21). Such heaven-inspired prayer could not possibly fail of its mission, and as a result the whole world has been unceasingly blessed with the priceless gift of true Christianity.

Christian Science reveals the spiritual significance of our Master's teachings, and is repeating his marvelous works of redemptive healing. The spiritual understanding of God, contained in the inspired Word of the Scriptures, pervades the writings of the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy. Many today are living witnesses to the power of Christian Science to heal disease and sin, and, through earnest study and consistent practice of this religion, they have found their outlook upon life changed from that of doubt and fear to peace, happiness, and abundance.

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