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From the December 1945 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, has lifted mankind's concept of church, with its ceremonies and creeds, from a material basis to the true idea of Church as "the structure of Truth and Love" (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 583). We acknowledge that Mrs. Eddy, through consecrated prayer and revelation, conceived of the Christian Science church as a Mind-healing church. May we not as rightfully think of our Sunday school as the light giving Sunday school, the Truth-revealing Sunday school, the Sunday school which is Principle-directed, Love-protected?

One synonym for awakeness is watchfulness. And did not our great Teacher say, "What I say unto you I say unto all, Watch"? (Mark 13:37.) To be awake then is not to be fearful or apprehensive, but rather is it to be ready to prove at all times the nothingness and powerlessness of evil. Spiritual awakeness is really conscious dominion. It is the recognition of the activity of God's ever-active omnipotence. It is to turn away from any sense of existence outside of God. Spiritual awakeness is spiritual awareness, and spiritual awareness belongs to spiritual sense.

One naturally concludes, then, that spiritual awakeness is a necessary qualification for a teacher in the Christian Science Sunday School. And the proper preparation for teaching in this Sunday school consists of an earnest desire and endeavor to reflect this Godlike quality.

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