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From the December 1945 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Peace is found in the consciousness of the allness of good. It is essentially spiritual and mental, and is forever possessed by man and the universe. It is not dependent upon material conditions or circumstances. Peace is something just between God and man—the consequence of man's coexistence and correlation with God. It is a quality of being which permeates all substance, Life, and Mind, accompanies all unfoldment of existence, and abides throughout eternity.

Peace cannot be disturbed or destroyed by trivial or cataclysmic mortal belief. It is not at the mercy of every passing wind. Peace is not a static state of unconsciousness, a quality of death, nor a condition of matter. Peace cannot be shaken, invaded, or removed. It is as fixed as God. It is an essential quality of His being. Peace is natural, inevitable, throughout creation, inasmuch as God's universe is His compound idea, which includes neither discord nor error. Peace is a quality of universal Life, evidencing the uncontested sovereignty, the changeless perfection, the ever-presence and omnipotence of Life.

War cannot limit peace. Divine Love with infinite mercy has made it an eternal characteristic of Life for man to reflect forever. Peace is an undying reality, not something defined on a scrap of paper. It is something lived, not something blueprinted. It cannot be defined by men, but was proclaimed by the Prince of Peace. At Jesus' birth shepherds heard its announcement, and this message is still audible to humble hearts. The soldier has heard its echo in the song of a lark between the cannon blasts. He has seen its promise in a fragrant flower lifting its head in a mine-sown field. The mariner has sensed its presence where stars lighted a convoy's way. The mother waiting and watching for a loved one's return has felt its tender embracement. The weary executive of a nation has found it closer than overwhelming responsibility.

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