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From the January 1947 issue of The Christian Science Journal

OUR beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, has made it clear that living in obedience to divine Principle is Christian Science practice. On page 12 of "Miscellaneous Writings" she says: "We should measure our love for God by our love for man; and our sense of Science will be measured by our obedience to God,—fulfilling the law of Love, doing good to all; imparting, so far as we reflect them, Truth, Life, and Love to all within the radius of our atmosphere of thought."

The Christian Scientist knows that he must daily endeavor to live up to his highest understanding of divine Principle; that is, he must express as nearly as possible the essence of the treatment he gives, in order that the treatment may be effective. People come asking for healing of sin, disease, sorrow, loneliness, poverty, and the like, only to find that healing consists of becoming acquainted with God.

If, when called upon for help, the Christian Scientist is deceived through human affection, sympathy, or fear into giving reality to the patient's difficulty, he has jumped into the whirlpool of material sense with the patient. By rejecting from the standpoint of reality whatever error is being voiced, the Christian Scientist is better able to lift the thought of the patient to the truth which heals.

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