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From the January 1947 issue of The Christian Science Journal

WHEREVER we may humanly seem to be, the scientific truth is that man is in full possession of his real home at this very moment. This positive statement may appear contradictory to the evidence before the material senses. Nevertheless, it is the spiritual fact about man's home, and through spiritual understanding we can demonstrate it. Students of Christian Science are claiming all the good that their divine rights accord them, with the result that the inharmonies incident to their human sense of home increasingly fade from their experience and what is needful for harmony becomes apparent.

A joyous revelation awaits us when we realize that through Christian Science treatment we can aid in correcting conditions. In fact, the universality of God's law enables us to help one individual who is trying to find a home or a whole nation of people struggling to get its bearings after the disruptions of war. Are we not called upon to help, even those of us who may feel quite secure in our human possessions and the qualities which we call home? It is our privilege and duty to rouse ourselves to help all mankind out of the darkness of belief in a material sense of homelessness with its insecurities, frustrations, and inadequacies into the glorious recognition that home is a spiritual idea, complete and eternal, within the God-given consciousness of man.

How can this be done? First of all, we must recognize that we are not trying merely to improve a human situation or get a better home for ourselves or someone else. Such a mode of thinking or action accepts the discordant condition as real and therefore serves to hinder or obstruct the full operation of the law of God. The Christ-way is not the way of human getting or searching. It is wholly divine and has as its only standpoint the understanding of what man already is in his relation to God. Christ Jesus' healing was always based on this right identification of man.

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