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From the January 1947 issue of The Christian Science Journal

IT is only by looking heavenward that mutual friendships such as ours can begin and never end" (The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, p. 204). With these words our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, furnishes the key to unbroken friendship. The only way in which Christian Scientists can make friendly associations always a blessing and never a bane is for each one to subordinate a false sense of self to the spiritual truth of being and to seek the loving Father's unerring direction, in order that wisdom and love may govern all relationships.

What is it to look heavenward? It is to have the fundamental spiritual truths of being, as revealed in Christian Science, basic to all thinking. The child who is thoroughly versed in the multiplication tables and in the rules of addition will compute correctly when an arithmetical problem confronts him, because he has learned and accepted basic mathematical truths. Similarly, students of Christian Science learn the scientific facts regarding the spirituality of the universe.

Some of these facts are: that there is no matter, because God is All-in-all; that all real phenomena, including life, substance, power, law, intelligence, identity, and consciousness, are spiritual and perfect; that all so-called material phenomena, material law, substance, intelligence, and so on, are the objectification of illusory mortal mind; that the real, spiritual man is the expression of God's being, reflecting His wisdom, infinitude, and eternality. The Christian Scientist who is thoroughly versed in these scientific fundamentals of being and bears witness to them in all his activities is truly looking heavenward and is blessing all upon whom his thought rests and all with whom he associates.

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