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From the January 1947 issue of The Christian Science Journal

IN the illustrated poem "Christ and Christmas" by Mary Baker Eddy is a picture entitled "Christian Science Healing" that portrays the spiritual illumination and power with which Christian Science heals the sick. The central figure in the picture is that of a woman standing by the bedside of a sick man. Serene and majestic in bearing, the woman is looking upward with an expression of reverence and illumination. Her right hand is pointing upward with divine authority, while the other is tenderly extended toward the one in need.

But what is it that her eyes are so intently gazing upon? Manifestly, nothing that is visionary. Surely she is seeing beyond the seeming suffering and misery of material sense. May it not be that she is beholding the light and glory of spiritual being, even divine Science? In pointing to the workings of this Science, Mrs. Eddy states in the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 558), "When you look it fairly in the face, you can heal by its means, and it has for you a light above the sun, for God 'is the light thereof.' "

And what of the patient portrayed in the picture? Startled and aroused, he has risen to a sitting position with a look of wonderment on his face. Near the bed is a small table with medicine bottles which apparently are now of no concern to him. A bright light from a star in the background of the picture illumines the room, even that light which reveals the Christ and makes possible the fulfillment of the following authoritative command (Isa. 60:1): "Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee."

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