HOW could God let go of His own idea? And that is what the only true selfhood of man is—divine Mind's idea.
A young mother was discussing with the writer her little son's first days at school. She expressed some trepidation at the thought of his being away from her all day and in the care of others. Heretofore, she had been accustomed to know exactly where he was and what he was doing every minute of the day.
Since this mother was interested in Christian Science, the writer reminded her that she could always know exactly where his real selfhood was and what this selfhood was doing every minute, even though her son was humanly out of sight and sound. She could know, for instance, that he was with God, actively expressing the qualities and nature of God. She said further, "You can know that God's child goes forth as the reflection of his Father-Mother, and as such cannot be parted from God, good, his source and origin, any more than the rays of sunshine can be separated from the sun."