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From the July 1947 issue of The Christian Science Journal

WE are glad to share with our readers the larger part of the proceedings and reports of the Annual Meeting of The Mother Church held in Boston on June 2.

The more normal facilities for travel now available made it possible for many to attend who were unable to do so in recent years. Members attended from distant parts of the world and from all sections of the United States and Canada.

The Annual Meeting exemplifies the world-wide unity of our great movement and is evidence of the loyalty of Christian Scientists everywhere to our much-loved Leader and to the system of church government which she, under God's guidance, so wisely established for all time. In these illumining addresses and informative reports you will find something of the import of our Annual Meeting as envisioned by Mary Baker Eddy in her statement in "The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany" (p. 125): "Brethren, our annual meeting is a grave guardian. It requires you to report progress, to refresh memory, to rejuvenate the branches and to vivify the buds, to bend upward the tendrils and to incline the vine towards the parent trunk."

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