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From the July 1947 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Miss L. Ivimy Gwalter, C. S.B., is a native of New York, where her mother. Mrs. Lucy L. Gwalter, C. S. B., practiced and taught Christian Science. Miss Gwalter attended the Sunday School of Third Church of Christ, Scientist, New York, New York, from an early age. She joined The Mother Church in November, 1904. Upon her graduation from high school she spent a year in Geneva, Switzerland, in the study of languages, after which she returned to the United States and studied music at the Musical Art Institute in New York City, from which she graduated in 1913. She had received Primary class instruction in Christian Science from her mother in 1910, and upon completion of her musical studies she devoted herself to the earnest study of Christian Science with the desire to enter the practice. She served in many capacities in the branch church of which she is a member, including that of Second Reader, 'member of the board of trustees, and superintendent of the Sunday School.

Miss Gwalter became active in the practice in 1918 and was listed in The Christian Science Journal as a practitioner in 1922. In 1940, she was a member of the Normal class of the Board of Education, thereupon becoming an authorized teacher of Christian Science.

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