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From the July 1947 issue of The Christian Science Journal

WHEN someone is overwhelmed with human demands or faced with the need of making a difficult decision, how often the remark is made, "I don't know where to begin." And perchance, mesmerized and bewildered, one does not begin, but procrastinates a little longer in the realm of sense; and so the situation drifts along and the error is left to smolder.

Not so, however, with the alert student of Christian Science. He always knows where to begin, for his textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, is explicit on this subject. He has but to consult the Concordances, both to Science and Health and to Mrs. Eddy's other writings, and study her use of such words as starting point, begin, standpoint, basis, and their derivatives, to discover quickly the right and the wrong starting point for scientific deduction and action.

"The starting-point of divine Science is that God, Spirit, is All-in-all, and that there is no other might nor Mind,—that God is Love, and therefore He is divine Principle" (Science and Health, p. 275). What a God-enlightened thought is this, that the starting point is God and not the problem, and that God is All-in-all, hence all-inclusive, including within Himself in uninterrupted harmony all that really exists. In her sermon "Christian Healing" Mrs. Eddy says (p. 4): "The infinite can neither go forth from, return to, nor remain for a moment within limits. We must give freer breath to thought before calculating the results of an infinite Principle, — the effects of infinite Love, the compass of infinite Life, the power of infinite Truth." And she adds, "Clothing Deity with personality, we limit the action of God to the finite senses."

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