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From the July 1947 issue of The Christian Science Journal

IN a world of widely differing interests and pursuits there is one quest which always has been and still is common to all mankind—the quest for health and continuity of life. For centuries this search has proved largely unfruitful because health has been sought in matter, where it cannot be found.

Although both the Old and the New Testament abound in records of the gaining and maintaining of health through spiritual means only, and although Jesus restored health repeatedly through spiritual understanding, human thought has failed to grasp the divine Science involved in these healings, with its evidence of the spiritually mental nature of health. After the loss of healing power in the early days of the Christian church, even those who sought to follow the teachings of Christ Jesus sank back into unenlightened ignorance concerning the spiritual nature of health, until Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, revealed to mankind what health is and where it may be found.

Christian Science elevates the concept of health from a material level to a spiritual one by declaring and proving that health is derived from divine Mind, does not have its source in matter and is not regulated by matter. Cognizing health as spiritual brings it into a correct perspective, where it may be seen as natural, normal, and permanent.

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