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From the July 1947 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"THE whole progress of business . . . has been progress in the direction of serving the public," a distinguished merchant once declared. And he added, "There is no other line which can mean progress." This is only another way of saying that the motive of service furnishes the substance of success.

Christian Science shows men how to establish their work on right motives and how to make their work a blessing in every respect. It does this by showing them how to gain a provable understanding of God as universal Love. This understanding enables them to keep the Golden Rule (Matt. 7:12): "All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them."

One of the things Christian Scientists can do for their fellow men is to discover, through spiritual inspiration, ways so wise and appealing for presenting their religion to mankind that the indifferent and the intolerant, no less than the seeker, will be made aware of its tender and reasonable promise. In her "Miscellaneous Writings" Mary Baker Eddy declares (p. 232): "Metaphysical healing, or Christian Science, is a demand of the times. Every man and every woman would desire and demand it, if he and she knew its infinite value and firm basis."

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