THE expectation that things will be better tomorrow is generally regarded as a helpful outlook. Too often, however, one may be looking out from a sense of discouragement and disappointment over the present or basing his hopes on shallow optimism without a real foundation.
Christian Science reveals a higher standpoint from which to view the events of today and the hopes of tomorrow. This is the standpoint of spiritual understanding. It begins with a clear acknowledgment that God is the source of all good and that good is spiritual, not material. God is infinite, ever-present Love, supplying man's every need through the channels of spiritual unfoldment
While it is clear that God does not withhold good for future bestowal, one may need to learn to look more to divine Love for the answer to every problem and the consequent assurance of a brighter tomorrow. Accepting the divine demand to work out one's own salvation, one finds that true happiness and success are attained in proportion to one's spiritual growth.