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From the March 1959 issue of The Christian Science Journal

COMPLETE trust in God is illustrated in John's account of Christ Jesus' raising of Lazarus from the dead. The Master thanked his heavenly Father before calling Lazarus forth. After he came forth, the Master said in a few authoritative but simple words (11:44), "Loose him, and let him go."

This instruction, "Loose him, and let him go," can be a great aid in the harmonious adjustment of personal relationship problems. If we follow it, we gain freedom from a false sense of responsibility for the spiritual progress of others. It is not only applicable to close friends and members of one's own family, but to business associates and fellow church members as well.

God's guidance and protection are found presently expressed to the extent of our trust in God's government of man. Jesus harbored no personal sense of responsibility in his relationship with others. He understood man's relationship to God, his nature and stature, his security as a child of God. The perception of man's perfection enabled Jesus implicitly to trust God's law of love. He knew that this law is operating in man's behalf at all times. By Christly precept and example the Master mapped out the way for all to follow.

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