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Testimonies of Healing

I should like to express my gratitude...

From the March 1959 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I should like to express my gratitude for all that Christian Science has meant to me. It has been my only physician since early childhood; and through the application of its teachings, I have been healed of every physical difficulty with which I have been confronted. My early training at home and in the Christian Science Sunday School taught me that I need not accept health laws, so called, as governing my life.

Two healings have been outstanding evidence to me that God controls my being and that the claims of health laws are unreal. The first was the overcoming of colds. I had suffered periodically from colds, particularly during the winter months. These were never serious, and I did no specific metaphysical work as we are taught to do in Christian Science.

About six years ago, however, I was working with a group of people, none of whom were Christian Scientists. I had not been in this environment long when I became aware that those around me were suffering from heavy colds, and within a few days I was manifesting all of the symptoms myself. I was sharply questioned by one individual who asked me why, if Christian Science is effective, I too was suffering from a cold. I did not attempt to answer him at the time, but his question aroused me from the apathy I had been manifesting.

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