That human consciousness was in need of refreshment and renewal was evident to Mrs. Eddy, to whom the revelation of Christian Science came; for the sick, the sinning, and the world-weary continually sought her help for the alleviation of their difficulties. In Science and Health, she writes (p. 436), "Giving a cup of cold water in Christ's name, is a Christian service."
Mrs. Eddy's consecration to the welfare of humanity was constantly motivated by the desire to share with others the Comforter, the Science, which she discovered. Her establishment of The Christian Science Board of Lectureship evidenced the same divine impulsion and outgiving warmth that characterized the unfoldment and extension of each activity of the Church of Christ, Scientist, which she founded. Only a world-wide scale of "Christian service" could accomplish its world-wide mission, namely that "the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord" (Hab. 2:14). Today Christian Science lectures are given with periodic regularity in many parts of the world.
A lecture provides the church members with the opportunity to participate in this expansive "Christian service" of sharing with the public the healing, refreshing truth. They know from its effects on their own lives that the Word of God declared in a lecture is a peaceable yet powerful agent in leavening the thought of the community in which the lecture is given. And what community today would not be blessed by the clearer understanding of God that such a lecture promotes?