The giving of a Christian Science treatment is the most joyful, the most satisfying, and the most rewarding experience on earth, because it is prayer motivated by God, Love, Soul. Scientific prayer, as revealed in Christian Science, is the unlabored, the calm and peaceful unfoldment of Love's power; it reveals Immanuel, or "God with us." Love alone is capable of imparting and enforcing divine power.
Our part in the giving of a Christian Science treatment is to reflect this power. Our work is to keep thought constantly at one with the divine All-power, the power that uncovers and destroys error in God's own way.
When one gives a Christian Science treatment, the human mind might be compared to that of a windowpane. When cleansed of sinful impurities, one's mind becomes a clear transparency for divine light. Love's continuous outpouring of infinite power finds effortless expression in the thought humble enough to reflect and obey its healing mandate.