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From the August 1960 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The prophet Habakkuk acknowledged that God is "of purer eyes than to behold evil" (1:13). This truth is especially loved by the student of Christian Science, for this Science teaches that God, who is Love and Life, can no more impart evil than light can make or send forth darkness.

The age-old question, "Whence comes evil?" has found answer in the revelation which Mrs. Eddy gives us in her writings. She teaches us just exactly what the Master, Christ Jesus, taught: that evil is "a liar, and the father of it" (John 8:44), in other words, a self-constituted and self-imposed falsity. Evil's seeming existence is altogether in the realm of error and illusion. It has no existence in fact.

After setting forth her revelation of the allness and omnipotence of God and of the nothingness of evil, Mrs. Eddy realized the need for handling the belief that it is something—the belief of there being a mind other than the Mind that is God. To indicate the so-called workings of evil, she used the term "animal magnetism."

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