Christian Science is practical and operative because it is based on God as all-knowing Spirit, or Mind, and because it approaches every problem from the scientific standpoint that only the spiritual and perfect are real. Mrs. Eddy writes in Science and Health (p. 487): "Spirit is all-knowing; this precludes the need of believing. Matter cannot believe, and Mind understands. The body cannot believe. The believer and belief are one and are mortal. Christian evidence is founded on Science or demonstrable Truth, flowing from immortal Mind, and there is in reality no such thing as mortal mind."
Since Spirit, Mind, is all-knowing and this knowing precludes the need of believing, we might well ask: What does Mind know or see? Does Mind know a claim of inharmony or lack of unity, or lack of any kind? No, Mind knows only its own infinite, divine self-completeness; its harmony, beauty, health, and infinite abundance expressed in unlimited ideas. The fact that Mind is one and infinite precludes dualism —the existence of a good and an evil mind. It is only false belief which suggests that these statements are beautiful but impractical.
Jesus was our Example and our Wayshower; he solved every problem. Viewing man and the universe from the standpoint of scientific knowing, he beheld them as reflecting perfect Being. This steadfast beholding of the perfection of reality was made manifest in the healing work which he did. However, he never failed to discern and rebuke the evil apparent in material belief, and he never hesitated to denounce and expose it.