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From the August 1960 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Individual spiritual awakening to the activity of Christ, Truth, in human consciousness leads the way to divine healing. Everyone may gain such awakening through an understanding of divine law as interpreted in Christian Science.

Discords and inharmonies of any kind are in the nature of dreams; they are only mortal beliefs of an existence separate from God. When we awaken from a night dream, everything connected with the dream usually fades out of consciousness quickly. It is in no way considered to be real or to have any force or effect in our life. On page 250 of Science and Health, Mrs. Eddy writes: "A mortal may be weary or pained, enjoy or suffer, according to the dream he entertains in sleep. When that dream vanishes, the mortal finds himself experiencing none of these dream-sensations."

As a rule we are not so easily convinced of the fictitious nature of the day dream of material existence as we are of the unreality of the night dream. The waking dream is not the truth of man's being. It is simply objectified mortal mind thinking. Our Leader adds on the same page of the textbook: "Now I ask, Is there any more reality in the waking dream of mortal existence than in the sleeping dream? There cannot be, since whatever appears to be a mortal man is a mortal dream."

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