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Understanding newborn

From the August 1960 issue of The Christian Science Journal

This scientific word, so new, so old;
My study of this truth has just begun.
Though I know little and can scarce behold
The vaguest outline of the path ahead,
I see myself as God's beloved son,
While happiness and healing fill my heart.

A man lost in a cave without a chart
Or any light, and given up for dead,
Then sees a faint and far-off sunlit gleam;
And fear and hunger go as in a dream.

It is so wonderful when we begin,
When first we come to glimpse reality.
We leave at once the place where we have been,
And prove right there and then that we are free.
The pathway lies before us to the light,
And every forward step is happiness.
With clear assurance and with growing might,
We gain still greater peace as we progress.

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