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Testimonies of Healing

Through my study of Christian Science...

From the March 1961 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Through my study of Christian Science, I have had many proofs of God's presence and of His tender, loving care. Reliance on the laws of real being have brought us freedom from material bondage.

Several years ago when we moved to a new community, we were led to purchase the house in which we now live. We truly felt that God had been guiding us, and this residence has met all our requirements. After we had been in it for about six months, we were told that the reason the owners had sold it was that they were afraid of running out of water.

Most of the home owners in this section had started out with shallow wells. Later they were forced to go down to deep wells when the first ones went dry. When the owners of this property had dug for a deep well, they had not been able to find clear water. They had then gone back to the old well and had lowered the pipe several feet further. They had been told that the water supply would last only temporarily, and they did not know what could be done after that.

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