Christ Jesus proved that there is never anything actually present but God and His manifestations, which show forth the pure expressions of His goodness, health, holiness, and immortality. Sickness, sin, and death disappeared before the Master's enlightened understanding of this spiritual truth.
Although it is true that evil is not God-created and therefore has never for an instant been real, human consciousness has not always been sufficiently enlightened to prove this fact and to halt the apparent influence of evil in men's lives. Christian Science has brought to human consciousness the scientific explanation of evil, whereby it may be reduced to manageable proportions and destroyed at the touch of spiritually enlightened thought as Jesus and his apostles destroyed it. The teachings of Science on this subject remind one of Jesus' description of evil, or the devil, as "a liar, and the father of it" (John 8:44).
Because evil is the opposite of God, infinite good or Truth, Mrs. Eddy calls evil error and says, "It is that which seemeth to be and is not" (Science and Health, p. 472). But the scientific explanation of evil does not stop with a single illuminating definition. It shows exactly how evil "seemeth to be," and exactly why it "is not," and the understanding of these explanations enables one to gain the knowledge of the allness of God, good, and the nothingness of evil. This understanding manifests itself in liberation from the belief in evil and the penalties of that belief.