An observer once remarked of Christian Scientists that "they seem always to be such happy people." There is of course a reason for this. Christian Science reveals that God's creation is not cursed or condemned, but eternally blessed. This simple fact, when understood, brings to hungering humanity a sense of freedom and joy which no contrary theory can erase. It puts new and deeper meaning into worship and new lightness of heart into the endeavors of the student.
Since God is the only creator, there can be no opposing power, no presence apart from Him; hence there is nothing that can touch or change what He has made. And man, who is not himself a creator and has no power underived from God, cannot change himself. Therefore man, God's likeness, must forever remain as God created him, His perfect image.
The disobedience of the allegorical characters Adam and Eve and the Lord God's decree of punishment serve only to imply the evil effects of the belief of life and intelligence in matter. They have no bearing on the nature and existence of the true, spiritual man, God's idea, presented in the first account of creation as complete and perfect.