In the business to which I devote much of my time it is necessary for me to scan many newspapers. In doing so one day I read an article telling of movie actors and actresses who were ill with influenza. I had some movie star favorites at that time; so I looked to see if any of them were mentioned. I do not recall now whether they were or not, but I do recall vividly the results of my interest in the news item. In a short while I was feeling very ill, but in a matter of twenty-four hours, through earnest prayer and diligent application of the truths of Christian Science, I was again well.
In a few weeks a statement was printed in some of these newspapers describing the symptoms of influenza, and I wondered if that was what I had had, and I scanned the list of symptoms. Of course they described the illness from which I had allowed myself to suffer, and in a short while I found myself feeling miserably ill again. About forty-eight hours later I was well, having applied my understanding of Christian Science and having learned through devout prayer the lesson that one should always "stand porter at the door of thought" (Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, p. 392).
From these experiences I learned to guard my thinking always while listening to the radio, while watching television, while listening to conversation, and while reading the newspapers. These experiences also increased my appreciation of The Christian Science Monitor. No one will ever have a discordant condition such as mine from reading that wonderful newspaper!