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From the December 1964 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Since all that is real is included in what God knows, an understanding of what God knows and does not know is essential to one who seeks to heal on the basis of Christ Jesus' rule (John 8:32), "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Christian Science teaches that God, Spirit, is All and that there is therefore nothing outside of Spirit for the divine Mind to know. Man exists entirely in and of Spirit as an idea of Mind. Mrs. Eddy describes man as spiritual, not material, and says (Science and Health, p. 475), "He is the compound idea of God, including all right ideas; the generic term for all that reflects God's image and likeness."

All that is material is the product of so-called mortal mind; therefore it is an illusion which is destroyed when the truth is known. One knows the truth and destroys the evils which seem to exist as part of the material illusion when he realizes what is known to divine Mind. One falls short of knowing the truth and partially supports the material illusion when he acknowledges as true or as attributes of Mind those things which Mind does not know.

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