One who believes material sense testimony thinks he is a corporeal personality in a material world. Discord comes from this false sense of things, not from a material cause. So this false sense of things is the world we have to overcome. The process of salvation is realizing the truths of spiritual being, holding to these truths, and letting these truths govern us in every way.
The prophet Isaiah, discerning that we must turn away from the mortal sense of self, wrote (2:22), "Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of? Christ Jesus, in explaining the way of salvation, said to Nicodemus (John 3:7), "Ye must be born again."
Accepting the fact in Christian Science that man is spiritual and lives in the universe of Spirit, one starts on the path to the demonstration of perfect, spiritual being. As he realizes, even for a moment, that Life, substance, and intelligence are spiritual, he is glimpsing the real universe and has begun to overcome the world. As he rejects the beliefs about corporeal existence, he brings health and abundance into his experience; he becomes free and rejoices in this taste of heavenly being.