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"Love's great legacy to mortals"

From the May 1966 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, in one of her Communion Addresses, speaks of our God-given ability to love our enemies. She says in "Miscellaneous Writings": "The last act of the tragedy on Calvary rent the veil of matter, and unveiled Love's great legacy to mortals: Love forgiving its enemies. This grand act crowned and still crowns Christianity: it manumits mortals; it translates love; it gives to suffering, inspiration; to patience, experience; to experience, hope; to hope, faith; to faith, understanding; and to understanding, Love triumphant!"1

We have been given this great legacy from on high: the ability to forgive evil of whatever presentation, small or great, malicious or ignorant. On the preceding page in this same address, we find these words: "That man can break the forever-law of infinite Love, was, and is, the serpent's biggest lie! and ultimates in a religion of pagan priests bloated with crime."2 It is through this unbreakable "forever-law of infinite Love" that "Love's great legacy" can be claimed.

The invincible Christian warrior Paul knew this truth. In his first letter to the Corinthians, thirteenth chapter, he gave us the clear outline of escape from all presentations of evil. Who of us goes about giving away all his goods "to feed the poor"? Yet, Paul said, if one were to do so and did not love, it would profit him nothing. Our blessed Leader, Mrs. Eddy, has revealed for all time to come that the Father has given to everyone on the whole face of the earth this rich and unparalleled legacy: the ability to forgive all enmity, the ability to forgive until the greatest of all mental darknesses, hatred, finds no further response in the mind of mortals and spiritual identification is achieved.

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