How Peter, the impulsive, loved his Lord!
Adored him with a finite sense of love;
He said he would lay down his life for him,
And meant it, at the time, with all his heart.
At other times he rose to heights sublime;
And Jesus said that he would build his Church
Upon the Rock—the truth that Peter voiced:
"Thou art the Christ," he said, "the Son of God"!
But Peter's love could not withstand the test.
"Before the cock shall crow thou shalt declare,
'I never knew him,'" Jesus prophesied.
At cockcrow, just such words the Master heard,
And with compassion looked on Peter, who,
Though not for silver, had betrayed his Lord.
(A personal sense of love denies the Christ.)
And when they met on shore of Galilee,
The Master thrice asked Peter if he loved,
That is, with love transcending mortal sense,
Which love alone bears witness to the Christ,
The truth of perfect God and perfect man.
This is the Rock on which the Church is built:
Unfailing Love, the Love that feeds the sheep!