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Man Is Never Helpless

From the June 1966 issue of The Christian Science Journal

One of the common fears of men is that one can be brought into a circumstance where he cannot help himself. Such an error has no spiritual foundation and should be thoroughly rejected as a spurious argument of the carnal mind. One can never be separated from his divine source, and therefore he can never be separated from the intelligence, the ability, or the inspiration that is necessary if he is to find his freedom from error.

God is ever-present Mind, the self-sustaining Principle, and man is the expression or manifestation of this divine, creative power. It is surely obvious that omnipotent Principle could never be helpless. How then could man made in God's likeness ever express anything less than this competence of his origin? Paul said, "It is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure." 1

The belief of helplessness may show up in a variety of ways. One of the arguments of the negative mind, the devil or the carnal mind, is that there is no use to persist in applying the truth to one's problem, that one might as well "give in" to error. But under God's government harmony is always the fact of creation, always the reality of being, and it is therefore demonstrable in the experience of anyone seeking to understand God. When we see that such a plea of helplessness is the devil talking, we can take the opposite side and argue for man's ability as the expression of infinite Life, divine Love.

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