I was introduced to Christian Science by the man who later became my husband. After I had studied Science for some time, it became evident to me that I had found the security for which I had searched. I was happy to know that God does send only good to us, that He is omnipotent and omnipresent, never deserting us in times of tribulation but constantly protecting, sustaining, and guiding.
There have been many healings in our home since we earnestly started applying the teachings of Christian Science. When our youngest son was under two years of age, his little finger was badly mangled. I picked him up and repeated prayerfully "the scientific statement of being" from page 468 of Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy. The statement concludes: "Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual."
The appearance of the finger was so disturbing that I telephoned for treatment from a practitioner. The child became quiet after this call, and I was bandaging the finger when a neighbor, a registered nurse, walked into the house. She came into the room where the boy and I were and, upon seeing the finger, expressed concern, implying that stitches should be taken. I assured her the finger would heal promptly and completely, and as I said this the fear I had first felt disappeared.