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Testimonies of Healing

Christian Science was presented to my...

From the February 1968 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science was presented to my family about four years after my father had passed on. I was ten years of age at that time. There was no Church of Christ, Scientist, nearby where we could attend services, and our progress in Science was slow. Eighteen years later my husband and I had the privilege of attending our first Christian Science church service.

I am grateful to our Father-Mother God for His Son, Christ Jesus; for the promised Comforter, Christian Science, which is the final and complete revelation of the healing Truth; for our beloved Leader, Mrs. Eddy, the revelator of Truth to this age; for every avenue through which the truth is reaching mankind; for membership in The Mother Church and a branch church; for class instruction and the annual association meeting; for past and present opportunities to serve the Cause in many capacities; and for the consecrated practitioners.

Through my own prayerful work I have been healed of fear of storms, severe sprains, broken bones, blood poisoning in my foot, and of grief when loved ones passed on. I was also healed of self-consciousness, of pinkeye in two days, and of mumps in three days.

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