Christ Jesus said, "I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me."John 12:32; What overwhelming conviction of the power of the Christ to attract all men is evidenced in this statement! On what was it based? It was based on Jesus' recognition and demonstration of his divine nature, the Christ. He knew God to be his Father. He knew himself to be God's beloved Son, and he acted always from the standpoint of this spiritual relationship. The result was that multitudes came long distances to hear this great Teacher, to be healed by the Truth and Love he expressed, and in certain instances to become his disciples.
Christian Scientists acknowledge that Jesus is their Way-shower and that following faithfully in his footsteps they can express the same spiritual Christliness.
The world has great need to learn more of this compelling attraction of the Christ, and upon Christian Scientists rests the obligation to help uplift human thought. Mrs. Eddy poses these two questions for our earnest consideration: "Are we duly aware of our own great opportunities and responsibilities? Are we prepared to meet and improve them, to act up to the acme of divine energy wherewith we are armored?"Miscellaneous Writings, p. 176;