Divine Love and the source of true being are one and the same. Mankind recognizes this in a degree in its groping for both at once. Religions have long expressed mankind's search for love and the understanding of who man is, where he comes from, and what his purpose is. Anciently mankind based their conclusions on material observations and speculations in the form of myth, though through the ages they developed deeper spiritual insight.
When Christ Jesus appeared, bringing to the world a revolutionary concept of Love, he presented Love as Spirit, the one and only God, good, the source of all being. And the worshipers of this God, divine Love, were to worship Him in spirit and in truth.
This was an extreme departure from the physical and ritualistic manner of worship still common in Jesus' time. Worship of the material body as both creator and creation and the source of love and fruitfulness characterized pagan religions and their many gods. When we learn how belief in such sensual gods as the source of creation had developed into intricate systems of worship, largely based on sensuality, excess, and self interest, and firmly established through generations of adherence, we realize more clearly the immensity of Jesus' contribution to humanity.