In timeless and undeviating Truth
There is no element of age or youth,
Only the grace of all-embracing Love
Perpetually beneath, around, above,
Expressed in infinite variety
In him, in her, in flower—in you and me.
If, humanly, within the common dream
Of animality, there still should seem
Antithesis between the old and young,
There yet obtains a universal tongue,
The tongue of love, which can be understood
By youth and age, in tender brotherhood,
And deference and kindness, each to each—
Not passive but with hearts prepared to reach
Out to another in his quandary,
Compassionately holding men to be
Expressions of Love's beauty, wisdom, might;
Of equal value in the Father's sight.
And as the oneness of the generations
Is proven true, the unity of nations
Will also be established and embrace
Humanity itself, of every race
And color, yes, and satellite and sun
And all Love's universe be found at one.