I remember that, as a young boy, when I attended a Church of Christ, Scientist, with my mother, I always felt good afterward. Later, as a young adult, when I was going through some difficult times, one of the things that prompted me to take up the study of Christian Science was that I recalled how much better things had been after I heard the Lesson-SermonChristian Science Quarterly Bible Lessons; read at church on Sunday mornings.
Now when I came to a crisis and reached out desperately for wisdom and guidance, the thought of my childhood experience at the Christian Science church service recurred to me—of how, when I listened to the truths read from the Bible and Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, I felt happier. It was not that I had been ill or unhappy; it was just that a good feeling came over me. I knew from the good feeling that things would go well.
I wanted that outlook again. And so I began to study Christian Science. Things got better immediately. That was twenty years ago, and that same lift of the heart still comes with every day of study and prayer.