In Science and Health Mrs. Eddy tells us (p. 66), "Each successive stage of experience unfolds new views of divine goodness and love." I have found that as I have turned wholeheartedly to God in my study of Christian Science this statement has been proved true and each successive experience has been a joyful one.
When our third daughter was born, with prayerful help in Science, the experience seemed so amazing to me, in contrast to what I had experienced with the birth of our other two children before I became a student of Christian Science, that as the days went by I had a strange regret that the event was getting farther away. One morning the above statement was in the Lesson-Sermon in the Christian Science Quarterly, and I saw that no matter how wonderful an experience seems, we needn't cling to it. We can go forward with joyful expectancy, knowing that God's goodness is a continuing unfoldment.
When my husband passed on, it was a difficult thing to face, but I had to admit that, although my concept of good had to change, good is ever present, for God is its source, and that He is also eternal Life. Employment was found quickly, and the children's and my needs were amply met. In a short time I was accepted to teach in the public schools, even though I had had no previous experience in the over twenty years since graduating from college and my credentials had expired. I was approved on an emergency certificate, and later was able to establish my permanent credentials. For several years, when it seemed necessary, I was able to teach day school, night school, and summer school, with very little sense of fatigue. I applied my knowledge of Christian Science and daily studied the lessons.