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The Unfragmented Ego

From the February 1975 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When in my early teens I first came across Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, and began reading it through, I asked, "Why is the word 'mind' sometimes capitalized and sometimes not? Why is Mind when capitalized always singular?" I didn't realize that in this differentiation between Mind and minds I had touched a profound truth that would finally bring me out of deep depressions.

I later found a clear explanation of this difference. It is in Mrs. Eddy's Retrospection and Introspection. Here she writes: "All consciousness is Mind, and Mind is God. Hence there is but one Mind; and that one is the infinite good, supplying all Mind by the reflection, not the subdivision, of God. Whatever else claims to be mind, or consciousness, is untrue. The sun sends forth light, but not suns; so God reflects Himself, or Mind, but does not subdivide Mind, or good, into minds, good and evil."1

In the distinction made by Christian Science between Mind as the one infinite Ego and mind as a finite ego among many such mortal egos lies the mighty truth to be used in the healing of mental and emotional disorders. Mrs. Eddy writes in the textbook, "The understanding that the Ego is Mind, and that there is but one Mind or intelligence, begins at once to destroy the errors of mortal sense and to supply the truth of immortal sense."2

1 Ret., p. 56;
2 Science and Health, p. 216;

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