Twenty-five years ago I was virtually forced into the study and acceptance of Christian Science. At the time, I was filled with despair and an overwhelming fear of death. My equilibrium was gone, the dizziness was extreme. I was suffering from heart palpitation, neck spasms, and constant ear noises. My hearing and vision were almost totally gone, and my blood pressure was diagnosed as dangerously high. I was kept under heavy sedation. The thought of leaving a kind and loving husband and four wonderful children was frightening.
I had always had a great love for God, and knew He would save me if only I could reach Him. The day came when we were told that nothing more could be done except to keep me as quiet as possible. I rebelled against this verdict and told my husband I was through subjecting myself to drugs and would rely on God only, and that if I died, I died.
He agreed that we had only God to help us. He had attended Christian Science church services for twenty years. Now I eagerly consented to his recommendation that we call a Christian Science practitioner. The practitioner we chose lived in our vicinity, and I was taken to her that night. I will never forget that visit. I heard but a few words of what she was saying, and could see nothing but blurred outline; however, I felt, saw, and heard in my mind and heart: God, Love, and spiritual light. I was reaching God! On my returning home, all medication was disposed of. That night, even though I was in pain, we prayed, and God sustained me.