In my youth I had always enjoyed reading the Bible; I esteemed it more than other books—novels and the like. I wanted to have something true, certain, sure. My religion afforded me no satisfaction. I had questions about life and death and wanted above all to know more about God. At that time I had not yet heard of Christian Science.
One day I received The Herald of Christian Science from a dear acquaintance. I felt very joyous and thought, "This is the religion I've been looking for so long." I was filled with great gratitude. At that time I was very busy and many circumstances intervened. I laid the Herald aside with the idea of looking into it again at my leisure, but when I wanted to read it I couldn't find it and was unable to get hold of another copy.
Six months before the outbreak of the Second World War I emigrated to another country where peace and quiet reigned. I was at that time saddled with many illnesses and problems. But my trust in God was still great, and thus I was led to the home of a Christian Scientist. To my extreme joy, I again found the Herald.