The son of kind, religious, and charitable parents, I was at an early age attending a Church of England Sunday School every Sunday, both in the morning and the afternoon. On reaching the age of eight years, I became a church choirboy. Almost without effort I acquired a fairly extensive knowledge of the Bible and of the doctrine taught by the church. However, I was always greatly puzzled by inability to understand just who God was.
When I was nine or ten, my mother, who was suffering poor health, was introduced to Christian Science, and my outlook and understanding underwent a gradual change over the next ten years. My mother had treatment by a Christian Science practitioner and was healed of her ailments and restored to normal good health. Thereafter she worked as a branch church member and introduced many people to Christian Science.
My baby brother received treatment by a practitioner and was completely healed of severe eczema, when other methods of treatment had failed. Some years later my sister was healed of severe rheumatic fever through prayer in Science. These healings made a great impression on me, and some years later I was myself healed of a painful internal disorder.