You know what sometimes happens when you first put a good slide in a projector to view it—the image may come out blurred. How do we usually bring it into focus? By adjusting the lens.
The distorted image has no character independent of the focusing of the lens. Indeed, in a certain sense, the poor image is the product of an improperly focused lens; and it improves as soon as the lens is adjusted.
There's a useful hint here as to the nature of evil and the Christianly scientific method of handling it. But first, consider what Mrs. Eddy writes about God: "The Scriptures imply that God is All-in-all. From this it follows that nothing possesses reality nor existence except the divine Mind and His ideas."Science and Health, p. 331. What God creates, He sees; and what He sees can be only His own perfect image, or reflection. Divine Mind's seeing is always in perfect focus, so to speak, and what He sees—His ideas—are always in precise accord with His own nature. There is no deflection or blurring in Spirit; only pure reflection, allowing unblemished expression of the original.