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Healing chronic fear

From the August 1981 issue of The Christian Science Journal

No one likes to be afraid, and fear is never constructive. For some, fear goes beyond the occasional reaction to events and becomes a preoccupation. Can chronic fear be healed? Can those with a history of such fear hope for full freedom? They can. Because real Mind is not fearful and mortal; real Mind is God; and His ideas are always at peace.

Since God, good, embraces all ideas, all true consciousness, man is not subject to illusion, fear, dreams, runaway imagination, or evil intrusions of any kind. He never becomes unconscious. In Mind there is no unknown, there is no darkness, for all is good. This is the consciousness that God gives to man, and it is the only consciousness man possesses, since God is the only Mind of man.

These truths don't match our human sense of man as fearful and mortal, but hope responds. We would like them to be true. And Christian Science upholds this hope in the most significant way possible—by fulfilling it.

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