There is a common belief among mankind that there are two different worlds: a world of matter and a world of Spirit. It is believed that we are born into a world of matter, leading lives full of trouble and of short duration. The other world we die into if we have proved ourselves acceptable.
There are various theories of just what the requirements are to advance to this world of Spirit after death. These theories are contradictory because they are based on the false premise of the existence of two incompatible worlds.
Mrs. Eddy discovered and proved the existence of one world only—the world of Spirit. She discerned the divine law that God is Love, imparting only good, sustaining and preserving all existence in harmony with His own immortal selfhood. In God, Spirit, all is spiritual. Mrs. Eddy perceived that the divine law, applied in daily experience, lifts it free from human belief and its apparent material conditions. Man's purpose and uninterrupted activity she understood to be spiritual, the expression of God.