We're all aware of the human phenomenon that the higher we climb, the farther we can see. The vast panorama stretches out before us as we stand on the peak of the mountain or view the city from the top of a skyscraper. He who stays in the subway has little sense of the glories of nature and the beauty of the sunrise.
A natural metaphysical conclusion follows: the higher, the more spiritual, our thinking becomes, the more of God's goodness becomes perceptible to us. Spiritual altitude of thought enables us to see and to experience the unlimited nature of divine Mind, God.
In Christian Science the higher and lower points of view are understood to be either the spiritual viewpoint of reality or the material viewpoint. These contrasting points of view are clearly illustrated in the Bible in the beginning chapters of Genesis. The higher point of view presents man as the beloved child of God made in His likeness; the lower point of view describes man as a miserable sinner under condemnation and curse.