How often do we find ourselves praying over some difficulty or situation and then immediately go rushing about to find the right solution? In our human zeal to make our prayers and desires come to fruition, we try to make good be more evident in our experience. It seems that one of the greatest challenges for us is to "let." Mrs. Eddy surely recognized this challenge when she gave us the "Daily Prayer." Every member of The Mother Church undertakes to pray each day: "'Thy kingdom come;' let the reign of divine Truth, Life, and Love be established in me, and rule out of me all sin; and may Thy Word enrich the affections of all mankind, and govern them!"1
We all cherish the experiences we have when we allow the Christ to operate—when we still all sense of fear, anxiousness, or self-importances and let the understanding of what God knows of us flood our being. As we allow an appreciation for God in all His magnificence and love to fill our thoughts, we see our unbroken relationship to Him.
These ideas proved helpful at a time when I longed to take Primary class instruction in Christian Science. I had heard so many people speak of their gratitude for what they had learned from class instruction. I had been raised in Christian Science and had been enrolled in a Christian Science Sunday School from my earliest days, but I wanted whatever extra it was that one gained from Primary class. It seemed a natural and progressive step in my growth Spiritward. But how was I to choose just the right teacher?