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Morality and the progress of nations

From the August 1990 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In a "global village," as the earth has been called, love for neighbors and prayer take on a greater urgency. News about far-off places is no longer far-off. We yearn to know how to do more to support the spread of freedom and the struggle for justice wherever it goes on.

In this interview, , a First Secretary with the United States Embassy in South Africa, speaks about what he has observed of the demands for prayer and of some of its effects. In addition to his current assignment, Mr. Sandford has also served in U.S. embassies in East Germany and in the Caribbean, as well as in the State Department in Washington.

My job as a political officer here is very different from the jobs that I've had in the past. It's one aspect of being in the foreign service that I think makes it very interesting, because each job really differs quite a bit from the last.

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